Every business owner starts as a solopreneur, but if you're seeking to grow your organization, and get new people that can help you improve your process and keep growing, you need to prepare yourself as a Leader and build the proper culture to your organization.
This is a comprehensive an complete leadership guide designed to empower you and growth and elevate your leadership capabilities.
This program will improve your ability to work with and through others to drive business success.
Do you want to know the key to success? This right here!
Your lessons:
- Solopreneur
- Self - Management
- Vision
- Lead By Example
- Culture
- Clear Roles
- Training
- Priorities
- Daily meetings
- Weekly meeting
- Monthly goals/meetings
- Quarterly goals - meetings
- Discipline
- Checks and balances
- Know your employee
- Inspire and think big
- Stern
- Be Passionate
- Titles vs Roles
- Word Of God
- Recognize and Hold on to good people
- Pay people well
- Get people on salary
- Speed
- Power words
- Be transparent
- Scale and growth
- Hire more people
- Build a team
- Take risks
- Personal growths
- Network and collaboration
- Omnipresence
- Teach everyone sales
- Customer acquisition
- Virtual management
- Yes, yes, yes!